Monday, February 21, 2011

Chocolate Chip Waffles and Hard Wood Floors

I had four chocolate chip waffles today. Up until that point, I didn't believe that the sun shined, or that rainbows existed, but they do...they do. As far as today went, the waffles have been the highlight. My brain didn't communicate too well with my mouth at school today, and as it turns out, it's not communicating well with my fingers on this post.
The house is kinda almost done being renovated; this is good news. All of the carpet is being replaced with tile and hard wood floor looking cardboard tongue and groove stuff. It looks really good actually, but the project itself has been going on since December-ish? I'm just glad I have rent control...
This is a short post but its necessary, otherwise people won't believe in chocolate chip waffles; and if they don't believe in that, then they will forget that the sun shines and rainbows exist.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

"Well isn't that special?"

First off, I ran across a picture that I thought was hilarious...

What can I say, I'm a glutton for clever humor. In other news, I had a interesting dream two nights ago in which I  was presumably a 'super villain'. I say 'presumably' because the dream started off with me in a room with a dead girl. I know what you are thinking, and I agree, she probably was talking too much. At any rate, this other dude comes in, and starts chasing me. I am assuming this guy was the 'super hero'. It's at this point that I realize that I can fly, which was awesome because I can't remember the last time that I had a flying dream. The super hero, on the other hand, can't fly, so naturally I have an advantage, or so I thought... I reach a nice cruising altitude, and then I whip out my GPS so that I can figure out how to get to- wait for it- Indianapolis. Apparently, one of the draw backs of being a super villain is that you lose your sense of adventure. All of a sudden a big spot light gets shined on me courtesy of the hero. I start to fall, so I fly away from the light, and then I can fly again. Apparently, my kryptonite is light (another reason why I venture to guess that I'm a bad guy).

The dream continues with more flying/falling, darkness/light until eventually I'm eating dinner with my grandma and she starts talking about some ornate wood carving she just bought...I wake up out of boredom. Nonetheless, I thought it was a cool dream...

Speaking of dreams, I watched SNL last night on Hulu, and Dana Carvey was on the show hosting it. I'm a fan of his work, especially when he did the 'Church Chat' skit with the church lady. The skit was excellent, so here is a clip...

I guess I should do homework now...

PS- I'm becoming more and more convinced that other countries hate us, and I decided it's because Americans are like the Frat boys of the world... Any thoughts on that?

Monday, February 7, 2011


This is my first ever blog and it's 2011. It seems like having a blog was all the rage 5 years ago, so naturally, here I am. I guess I'll get some particulars out of the way first... I am not going to post something everyday, it would stupid if I did. My name on the blog is 'M. Joseph Komisarski, I did that to make fun of artistic people. Notice that my blog title is 'Spare Parts'; the reason I chose that particular title is because my mind works like a junkyard, it's generally messy, nothing ever looks organized, it looks like there are just spare parts lying around, but everything I need is always there, I just have to search to find it. If I can't find something, I'll just patch it up with duct tape. Also, I try not to be politically correct because I think political correctness is 'mentally disabled'. With that said, on to the post....

I need to go to the gym today, and I need to get a haircut. I've been trying to figure out in which order to do them, and the solution I came up with was starting a yeah, thats where we are at.... Also, can I say that I hate people who can't drive? I say the driving exam should be harder, and you should be required to retake it when you start getting AARP membership mail. 

Also, is it bad that I laugh at someone when they slip and fall on ice? Your knee jerk reaction is, 'yes', but let me set it up a little better. I saw someone slip and fall from a distance. This means that I had no part in making them fall, I also had no option to prevent them from falling. With those premises set, my mind saw a human body do something very unnatural, and it was funny. For the record, the guy got up and was fine...


PS- if someone tries to read your lips while talking, and you say the word 'artistic' do they think that you said 'autistic'?